Thursday, June 27, 2013

Egypt's Transition Continues...

With all of the craziness happening in the Middle East, I feel it is important to keep tabs on what is happening in the culture that we are so often representing. I don't feel like most Americans know that Egypt is about to have another uprising, and that could have major effects on the dance, music and art industry and culture in Egypt.

The following is a very peaceful message by Egyptians living abroad and in Egypt

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Express, Pose, Debate & Share

The world of bellydance is vast and diverse, there is so much to consider, so much to learn. Often I pose questions to myself, debate topics or make discoveries, personal triumphs, growth within and outside of art, and I've finally decided to put some of it down on "paper". The purpose of this blog is to inform, provoke thought, pose questions and share my growth and experiences on a larger scale. So as it shall be, "Thoughts, Remarks & Exclamations of the Bellydance World" will hopefully help me to put into access the insatiable activity that occurs in my mind; expressing, posing, debating and sharing my humble path through this world and art form.